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Preventive Care

Dental Care

Good oral hygiene is very important for your dog's overall health. However some dogs have teeth that need extra attention to control plaque and tartar. This can be achieved by brushing their teeth, chew toys, special diets and dentals at the vet. Other dogs have naturally strong, healthy teeth all of their lives. However, an annual dental examination is very important for all dogs. Excessive tartar on the teeth can result in irritation, infection and receding gums. This can lead to serious infections and diseases in the mouth, as well as digestive problems and bad dog breath. When dental problems are ignored, bacteria can build up and lead to various other infections in the body ? including in the heart.

Hot Weather

The hot summer months present some special hazards for pets from the dog park to the beach or just in the back yard. Here are some common dangers to avoid:

  • Cars parked in the sun on a hot day turn into lethal ovens. Never leave any dog in a closed car during the heat of the day.
  • Many dogs enjoy the ocean, but the salt water can make animals seriously ill if they drink too much. Always have plenty of fresh drinking water available.
  • Pool chemicals are necessary to keep your pool sanitary, but if your dog drinks undiluted chlorine, severe acid burns can result. Be sure your dogs know how to get out of the pool before allowing a swim. Also, clean and dry their ear canals afterwards to prevent painful ear infections, and rinse their coats to help avoid skin problems.
  • Careful daily grooming provides a chance to check for burrs, cuts, ticks, fleas or the start of a hot spot
  • Lather on the sunscreen just like you do on yourself, especially if you have a light-colored dog

Ear Care

Excess wax, dirt and moisture can build up in the ears without regular cleaning, and moisture breeds infection. The ear will start itching and then the scratching will start. Redness, soreness and odor often follow. Proper ear care is important for your dog to avoid this misery.

To break this cycle, the first step is to use a specially formulated ear wash to gently clean out all of the wax and debris. The second step is to use a natural dry formula that works together with the ear wash to keep your dog's ears clean, dry and pH balanced. Natural ingredients work best because they soothe and clean without the added irritation or painful burning of alcohol.

Stress and Anxiety

Loud noises can set off significant stress reactions in dogs. Thunderstorms, fireworks and any sudden burst of noise can lead to hours of misery for your pet. It's a great idea to give your dog some help if you know bad weather is approaching.

Another source of anxiety can be riding in the car for many dogs. The motion and unfamiliar sounds, smells and surroundings can make a dog feel a great deal of stress. Be sure your dog has a comfortable carrier or corner of the car. Put some familiar things, such as toys and a towel or blanket with him. Also be sure to carry fresh water and take exercise breaks during the day.

Joint Health

Dogs with backs that are very long compared with the length of their legs are especially prone to back problems later in life. Breeds that often suffer from back pain or disc disease include dachshunds, Pekingese, miniature poodles, cocker spaniels and beagles.

Glucosamine is a nutrient that is naturally manufactured by the body which lubricates the joints by thickening joint fluid. It's believed to support joint flexibility and help maintain healthy cartilage, tendons, ligaments and joint fluid. With age, the ability to manufacture Glucosamine decreases, resulting in degeneration of the joints. A routine supplement now may help keep these back problems from developing at an early age.

Skin Care

A dog's skin and coat can be a key signal to his overall health. When your dog is healthy inside, the skin and coat will be healthy, too.

Healthy skin starts with proper nutrition. Boost your dog's overall systemic health by adding a potent supplement to his food. Ingredients should include essential fatty acids, like those found in fish oil, as well as vitamins to fortify the skin during allergy season. A good hypoallergenic shampoo also helps moisturize and protect sensitive skin, relieve itching, and soften dry, brittle coats. Follow up with a leave-in conditioner and moisturizer.

Vet Visits and Vaccines

One of your jobs as a pet parent is to keep a regular schedule of vet visits to keep your dog healthy. These visits can help you learn to care for your dog better and catch things that you might not notice. Follow all the recommended vaccine schedules. All these things will assure a long, healthy life with your dog.